Thursday, 15 October 2015

Siberian Husky - Loose Leash Acceptance

Well... let me just say, I have constantly worked on loose leash walking with my 3 Siberian Huskies.
I think I have finally reached a point of acceptance!

Siberian husky meme

I have taught my huskies a lot of things... loose leash walking is not one of them.
Remember my post a couple weeks ago - My Huskies Are Not Perfect? Well, this just adds to my previous comments about training.

It's not that I haven't tried. Oh boy have I tried! I have stayed consistent, I have tried clicker training on walks, high value treats, stopping the walks completely when they pull, acting like a tree when they pull, meaning they don't get to go any further until the leash gets loose etc etc etc... I could go on and on, but do you guys know what the definition of insanity is? Albert Einstein says "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results." 

Siberian Huskies Pulling On the Leash

So rather than frustrating myself with always getting the same result, I choose acceptance. Do they pull because they are Siberian Huskies, and quite simply, they were bred to pull? Maybe. That doesn't mean they are impossible to loose leash train. I have seen many Huskies who have great leash manners. But for whatever reason, it's just not happening with mine. Not right now anyways.

- Mostly, this post was done up for fun. The meme I made with Koda, about being born to pull - is what it is, just a meme - for laughs. They can be trained to loose leash walk, I have no doubt about that. However for me, right now, I think it's best I stick to my no pull harnesses, which do help greatly, and I will go back to enjoying our daily walks rather than be frustrated over having issues with loose leashes.

The Sibe Tribe would love to know:
Have you ever had any training woes that you just had to take a break from?

This post is part of our Thoughtless Thursday blog hop.
Hosted by Ruckus The Eskie
Co hosted by Barking from The Bayou and me, from Love Is Being Owned By A Husky


  1. I think it's amazing, and I'm not exaggerating, that you can walk all three of them at the same time! I've recently been posting on some training groups about LLW and the consensus from some of the top trainers is that it's never going to be a perfect thing. It takes an insane amount of "gear" awareness for them to be able to keep the leash loose and a ton of consistency. You literally have to decided what the rules are and stick with them every single time they pull. Sometimes their doggy brains just can't handle being aware of where they are gear wise. It's okay. Everyone struggles with this skill, absolutely everyone.

    That being said, I highly recommend looking up "silky leash training" and working with them on that. Once they are aware of leash pressure and they know what to do when they feel it, things do improve. :)

    1. Thank you Lauren. They have definitely improved with the training I have done with them, but I am never able to relax my arm which was my goal. I will definitely check out silky leash training, I have never heard of that!

  2. Mom isn't real into loose leash walking. It happens for the most part, but if we want to pull now and then, that is alright too. Obedience people would be appalled at our walking style, but it works for us and we all love it, so why worry about it. We can behave if necessary, but usually we walk how we want to walk and since we rarely see anyone else, it doesn't matter.

    1. I would just be happy to be able to relax my arm. I always have to have such a tight grip on the leash because they always have tension there, my arm and hands get sore. So even if it's loose leash, a "looser" leash would be nice! LOL!

  3. Both of the boys walk in a variety of ways. They walk on a loose leash, but if a scent intrigues them, and it does, we let them smell. I think walking is supposed to be fun for all of us and not stressful.

    1. It is suppose to be fun, I was striving for a relaxed leash though because it's just a lot nicer of a walk without having a sore arm the whole way through! LOL! :P

  4. Good point...they were bred to PULL things, so I can see how it would be a challenge to teach them not teaching a Lab not to fetch or to swim.

    1. For sure. It can be done, I have seen it, I just can't seem to do it with mine! LOL!

  5. I think loose leash is one of the most challenging things to train with many dogs, at least all of the dogs I've ever had! That whole "stand like a tree" thing makes me laugh, because guess what? My dogs can stand like a tree, pulling on the leash, way longer than I can! LOL I am all for any tool that helps, and the one piece of good news is that I think in time many of those tools teach them to walk better, and my dogs have gotten much better as they got older.
    Jan, Wag n Woof Pets

    1. I have found that as well. Mika, she is 6 now, and has calmed down a lot on the leash, thankfully. Koda isn't horrible with the leash, he just likes to keep tension there which is much better than it was, but Lexus............ ARRRRRRG! She hasn't bent one bit. She thinks she has to pull a sled through treacherous terrain or something!!!

  6. Cocoa like to um, lead too :) And as long as you enjoy your walks it is all good. They sure can be frustrating at times but it's a good thing we love them so much!!

  7. Perhaps they'll mellow with age? We did. Jan says it's a pleasure to walk us now. Most of the time. :) Marcus? He's doing better, though he still has ADD moments.

    1. I'm sure they will, but it has gotten frustrating knowing I tried so hard with something and just don't seem to be getting anywhere.

  8. OMG walking in general. This one pulls this way and the other one pulls THAT way. Then one runs behind me and I have to do the leash dance and whip it over my head. Really the best way to walk with my dogs is in a safe, fenced, off-leash park. That's ideal. If they aren't yanking me, it's a win.

    1. hahaha! Right?! I know exactly what you mean by the leash dance too!!!! LOL!

  9. Earl used to pull like mad as a pup. So bad he'd swoon. He's a dream to walk now, setting a good example to exuberant Ethel!

  10. Ciara is finally able to walk loosely for Mom, so she has been able to shed the Gentle Leader. Lightning isn't too bad until he sees a bike or skateboarder or stroller. Then it is IMPERATIVE that he get Mom home as quickly as possible to save her from the evil intruders:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  11. Seems to me that, if you and your dogs are all cooperating and happy, that is a win!

    1. haha true enough! but it sucks getting your arm pulled off though!!! LOL

  12. I'm just shocked you can walk all three at once! I've given up on "easy" (aka, don't take my fingers off when I feed you!) with Nola. She's gentle with kids, but she's incredibly rough if an adult gives her a treat. I just toss her ones and she catches them now. :p

    1. LOL, well thanks! It's a chore walking all 3 at once, but the thing is, once they get a bit tired halfway through our walk, that is when we start enjoying the walk finally because my arm can rest. Interesting how Nola is so gentle with children but not adults.

  13. Oh well I'm cracking up at this one Jen LOL! Loose leash walking a Husky can be an exercise in futility. I've gotten Isis to walk fairly well but she hates not being out in front. I use a no pull harness & she doesn't pull me anymore but she insts on walking in front of me most times. I can get her to stay beside me but I have to keep on top of her. That's a Husky for ya!
    Love and biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. Exactly! That's a husky for ya! For sure! I wouldn't even mind so much if they just walked out front of me but at least stop pulling my arm off!! LOL!

  14. if i walk one at a time I can get loose leash but all three at one time no way.


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