Friday, 1 May 2015

10 Things NOT To Say To A Dog Mom

Siberian Husky Fur-babies, kids with fur, fur-kids, or pets.
However you refer to your 4 legged friend, there are always people out there who just don't feel the same way about pets as we do. I can almost guarantee each one of you reading my blog today have experienced (at least once) someone saying something to you regarding your pets which was simply an unwelcome conversation. Am I right?

What are some of the worst?
Let's see...

1) That's gross you let your dog lick your face.

2) You do know their not actually children right?

3) You really shouldn't treat your dogs as if they were children.

4) Oh, do you have dogs because you have no children?

5) I have heard that breed is vicious.

6) You really let your dogs on the furniture? What about the stink and fur?

7) Why are you so upset your dog died? They are replaceable.

8) You buy more things for your dogs than I buy for my children.

9) Why don't you just go buy the cheap food from the grocery store? Their only dogs.

10) You know dogs carry diseases right? You shouldn't let them lick your kids faces.

I think that covers a few of them.
Your turn! Have you ever been told any of these? 
Do you have any to add to our list? Let me know in the comments!

Siberian Husky
Say it loud!
I am a dog mom and proud of it!

Pet Parade Blog Hop
Hosted by Rascal and Rocco
Co hosted by Jan's Funny Farm, Bionic Basil, Barking From The Bayou
 and me from Love Is Being Owned By A Husky
FlashBack Friday Blog Hop
Hosted by Five Sibes Mom
Co hosted by me from Love Is Being Owned By A Husky

Pet Parade Link up:

Pet Parade Social Media Links:

Flashback Friday Link up:


  1. My one is "having your house rabbit in the kitchen is unhygienic" Trust me I have never been so angry when I heard that and the person who said it has a dog who goes in the kitchen,she will be getting a piece of my mind when I see her this is just the top of a long list of things that she has upset me over,xx Rachel

    1. UGH! The nerve of some people astounds me!!

  2. In addition to my fur babies, I have a human baby, too. I often get asked if I love my animals less now that I have a "real child". Ugh

  3. Oh yes the children and furniture one and the licking the face one drives me nuts! I have no "birth" children, so I few my cat and my dog as my "furry kids"...if people don't like it, too bad! xoxo

  4. I have daughters and they call Kilo "the favourite child" and "the little prince" but they love him too. I have been called "crazy dog lady" affectionately and told I spoil Kilo rotten (mostly with affection and I do). I get the furniture and the licking the face. I also get "why don't you punish him when he is badly behaved like that?" Have a great weekend! X Susie and Kilo

    1. Ha! Some people!!! Hope you have a great weekend as well!

  5. Luckily, most of our family and friends are dog people like us, but one person did ask me years ago if we were going to euthanize Tino when he went blind..Say what??? He's just blind not dying.

  6. Many humans just don't get it and think Mom is nuts or something, but we know she is not. Thank dog for the blogging community, a place we can go to be with those who do understand!

    1. Yes!!! Thank dog for the blogging community! I couldn't agree more!

  7. I used to hate the question "You have HOW many dogs? " Lol!

  8. When people say these things, I would say..... 'nope. You are SO wrong!' ;-)

  9. Hi Y'all!

    What about where we put our tongues? We have relatives who won't visit since I came to live with the family.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  10. Great post! People who don't have or never have had a pet just don't get it. I feel bad for them if anything!

    1. Exactly!! It is definitely their loss!

  11. My pet peeve is "It's just a dog" or the eye roll I get when I say I have to make arrangements because the dogs can't be alone that long.
    Some people don't get it. They are the ones missing out.

    Great post!

  12. Yep...just about heard everyone...we just look at them ....then its " don't have a how do you know"

    The Mad Scots Peeps

  13. Always Proud to be a Dog Mom!

    I get "You could go away on vacation with us if you didn't have those dogs." And "Why do you HAVE to have five?" And "Huskies? Oh my God, the fur."

    I love being with my dogs. They ARE my vacation! I don't have to "have" them, I CHOOSE to! And I guess they haven't heard that Husky fur is a condiment and a fashion accessory! ;-)

    Great post, Jenna!

    1. I get that one all the time too. "With all those dogs you can never go anywhere" My huskies are well worth my home time, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

  14. The cheap food thing gets me angry all the time! Why is it so hard to believe that I want to feed my furry family members quality food?

    1. UGH! I know! That is one of my main ones I hear all the time!!

  15. In so many of those you could substitute cat and I know exactly how you feel!

    1. Yes, cats too! Any pets really! Some people just don't get it!

  16. Ha! Yea that's a pretty good list I'd say... I've heard just about anything and everything you can think of about all kinds of pets.

  17. Sometimes people just need to think before they speak! #7 is the WORST and would probably result in me punching someone in the face.
    -Jessica from Beagles & Bargains

  18. I actually hear a lot of these things in regards to my cats. I get "it's so gross that you let your cat drink out of your glass" a lot. My kitties share with me all the time. If I was going to catch something, I think I would have it by now.
    -Purrs from your friends at

  19. Those are all great points! All of my friends and family on my facebook know not to say a lot of them to me :) For people who dont know how I am with my dog, they are smart and dont say anything :)

    1. haha!! I have had a few friends say certain things, but they will never say them again, that's for sure!!

  20. I guess I've been pretty lucky not to talk to people that are that rude! I've certainly heard that people say things like that, but I don't think anyone's ever said it to my face. Lucky for them....LOL!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. hahaha!!! Good point! I haven't heard all of them to my face per say, but I have heard each and every one of these, and they are all super ridiculous!

  21. Some humans just don't get it. Sheesh.

  22. So many in this area (and others) consider a pet more of a bicycle or old robe than a living creature. That's why so many from this state are shipped north via rescues.

  23. I don't have any friends who are not dog people, but my husband's family have said a bunch of the ones you listed about kids. It makes me so angry and drives me crazy!

    1. Oh me too!! Some people are just ridiculous about things!

  24. I'm a dog mom too and proud of it. I've been asked those questions too. Dumb just dumb

  25. Hmmm, We have 3 cats and 1 dog, 2 sons and a grand kitty. When I am working in Calgary, I live with my son and my grand Kitty (son is 37). The Sons have grown up with pets (as did I) and we have always considered them part of the family, just shorter, hairier. Even my sisters and father refer to their pets as children and our Dad's animals are "sisters" my sister's pets are as much nephews as their kids are. Some people think we are crazy, but we don't think so. I think its all in how we were raised with pets as much a part of the family as the humans. And I believe we are better for it.
    In the village my husband and I moved to 10 years ago, even our neighbors now refer to their animals as their fur kids. Thank heavens its catching!

  26. People that say things like that don't stay around me very long. LOL!

  27. I can honestly say that I have not heard those, but I have heard "why don't you let your dogs be dogs" referring to how much time we spend training them.

    1. Well I for one can tell your dogs love their training so pffffffft! To those people! lol

  28. All of these except #5 could easily apply to cats. We get the Cats are bad for the environment line.

    One that I actually received as a comment reply on a cat site:
    Yeah, but that's barn cats. I'm talking about an indoor pet here.

  29. It's been 7 months since I lost my Jewel. About three months after I lost her, I was talking about how much I miss her, and a friend of mine was like, "You're still feeling that way?" It was hurtful to me, but I also understand that not everyone gets how precious our fur babies are.

    1. WOW!! That is just cold! I am so sorry!

  30. I haven't had people say those things to me directly, but I know that not everyone thinks of their pets as family.

    1. No, they don't. They should though!

  31. My Mum knows a person who told her she doesn't like dogs. She came to our house once and I bit her. Mum was secretly proud of me and told me I have good taste. Har Har!

  32. I too am a proud Dog Mom! #7 hits home for me. So many times I've heard people say "Are you going to replace him?" after a beloved pet has died. Some people can be so insensitive.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  33. Fortunately I've never been told any of those things... granted I have cats, but you could easily replace 'dog' with 'cat.' I'd be absolutely shocked if someone did though. Probably the worst thing I hear as a cat parent is, "They aren't declawed? What about your furniture?"

  34. Love this post! Our pets are very special to us and we shouldn't be ashamed. Pet parents unite! Thanks for sharing! :)

  35. How about... "Can't you just leave them outside while you are on vacation with food and water?" OMG! Are you kidding? They are social creatures but more importantly, our babies!


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