Tuesday, 10 February 2015

How do dogs show affection?

We all know dogs show us love, but some people feel their pup just doesn't show enough of it, or aren't sure exactly how they are showing it.
Let's touch on that today.
How exactly does a dog show affection?

I know for me personally, I am able to read my huskies behavior very easily.
For two reasons - 1) because huskies tend to wear their emotions on their face. 2) I have always paid VERY close attention to know the signs of how my pups are feeling. I have young children and to me, I need to know what's going on with their behavior (the dogs) every moment of the day.

Two of my huskies are VERY loving. Love to snuggle, cuddle, lick and lay on me!
Whether they are bombarding me like in the photo above.

Giving me big husky kisses, like in this one ^

Snuggle time on my chair ^

Or just jumping up eye level with me to say a hello.
No matter which one of these they do, they are always showing love in one form or another.

Tell 'tail' signs your dog is showing affection -

  • Tail wagging
At times tail wagging can mean that a dog is stressed or feeling anxious, however it can also mean they are extremely happy and feeling affectionate. Just read the body language of your dog. If their tail is high up and very tense looking but still wagging, chances are, they are nervous or anxious.
If your dogs tail has a helicopter effect, or wagging crazy out of control with a big 'ol grin on their face, chances are they are feeling affectionate.

  • Leaning
A lot of people think that when a dog leans into you, they are trying to be dominant.
That is not always the case, nor is it the case very often at all. A dog likes to lean into their humans to feel closer to them, and feel secure. They are showing you affection when this happens.

  • Jumping
If there is one bad habit I could change about my huskies, it would be Koda and his jumping up.
We all know it is not always welcome having a big dog jump on you when you walk through the door, however, do you know one of the reasons they do this? Dogs are far away from our faces, and they want to be closer to us. A reason they jump is simply to get closer to our faces and say hello!

  • Smiling
My huskies all have the biggest, goofiest, most wonderful smiles when they are happy or affectionate. I realize not all breeds smile the way a husky does, BUT one thing to look for it the position of their mouth. A dog feeling affectionate will generally have a relaxed, half open mouth, rather than a tight closed mouth. They also have that loving look in their eyes to go with the smile.

What do you take out of this?
Learning to read your own dogs body language can help you understand when your pup feels anxious, happy, affectionate, or upset. So pay some extra attention, and learn a little about your dog ;)

Day #3 of our taste test challenge :

The Sibe Tribe anxiously awaits their treats for day #3!
The taste testing has been a big hit so far!

Featured Item Of The Week
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Details here.


  1. They are too cute!! Phoenix is very affectionate with me but she likes to run around and bark at my husband but I think after all this time she's just talking to him and it's a game. Zoe is more quiet with her affection. She will sneak a kiss in there but she's not bold about it.

    1. It's interesting how many dogs have such different ways of showing affection.

  2. Nothing nicer than being shown a bit of affection both ways. Always a special moment. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Always! I agree :) Have a great day Molly!

  3. Chessies are not big on showing affection. They are an independent breed. They like a pet now and again and then they leave us alone.

    1. That's the same as my Mika. My other two can't get enough affection!

  4. Bailie and I are big on huggles which is a combination of a hug and a snuggle. We love to put our paws on Mom's shoulders and nuzzle in her neck and give kisses. Katie is a leaner.

  5. Being able to read your dogs behavior and body language is so important in keeping them safe as well as happy. Thanks for the tips.

  6. Your Huskies sure do have the most gorgeous smiles! Haley's really big on showing affection. When she's really happy, her tail wags in a circular motion. I love observing the body language of dogs.

  7. So very true. Phantom shows his love with his endearing eyes. Lightning just comes over and rubs against you just like a cat. And Ciara is the snuggler:)

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  8. Your babies LOVE you so much! Those are such cute photos of you! ☺ Bentley gives me the best hugs in the universe. *My opinion! LOL!

    1. Yes they do! haha! I'm sure Bentley gives the most fabulous hugz!!

  9. Those 3 sure look like they're loving the taste testing!
    Luke is a jumper and a leaner too. He snuggles...he really is affectionate in every way. The girls you can tell more by tail wagging, though they like to give kisses too. Both of the girls's tails will thump, thump, thump if they're lying down and we approach them.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Nice! I love how each dog has their own way of showing us love :)
      And yes!!! The taste testing is going fab!

  10. Sweet Hailey will snuggle and smile. Crazy Hailey jumps, grabbed our hands to rub her belly. Phod is a leaner but will jump when really excited. He also purrs when he is really happy.

    1. hahaha!!! Each so different from each other!

  11. Wonderful photos of the huskies showing their love. Smiling dogs are the best!

  12. We all Give wet Kissies and Love to snuggle, at night we gots to touch the peeps while sleeping.

    The Mad Scots
    Pees: sleeping with three scotties it gets crowded.

  13. We love it when dogs smile. Us cats smile but it's not as evident. :)

    1. I have definitely seen my kitties smile. At least I think I have! haha!

  14. Love those big ole husky tongues! Mauja definitely doesn't hide her emotions. She's your typical teenage girl ;)

    1. haha!I know all too well what you mean by that!

  15. I show affection by biting my peeps. OK, sometimes I kiss them too.

    1. Awww CK! Giving kisses? I would have never thought!

  16. Great descriptions of how dogs show love - seems like Cocker Spaniels are very similar to Huskies in this respect!

    1. Are they? That's great to know! I don't know much about spaniels so it's interesting to know we have something in common ;)

  17. Great photos, shows so much love! Mine show affection too, snuggling, smiling, happy waggy tails.

    1. Thanks! My huskies are definitely full of love! I know your pups are too!

  18. I am a jumper and a leaner and I love to give kisses. Especially at 1:30 a.m., BOL. Mom does not appreciate my cold, wet nose in her eye socket at this time of morning!

    1. OMD! I know ALL too well! koda has a real bad habit of nosing our faces in the middle of the night!

  19. I really love that photo of you & Koda, it's such a cool effect! I can read both my dogs pretty easily. Phoebe's tail is always wagging or thumping, if it's not something's wrong! Isis does the same things you mention about your Huskies! She also noses us a Lot to get our attention! I never thought about the jumping up being a way to get closer to our faces to say hello! So interesting.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Cathy, Isis & Phoebe

    1. Thanks! I thought it was a super cool effect too!
      My huskies nose me too! All the time! I can't help but laugh when they do!

  20. They say my face is very expressive. I love to lean into my bipeds for a fuss. I'm careful not to do it to other people unless they're very relaxed with me - usually other people with large dogs.

    1. Actually from what I have learned about Pyr's, they have a lot in common with huskies so I can imagine you have an expressive facials too!


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