Friday, 16 January 2015

Flashback moments - The love of a husky

Hi! We're so glad you stopped by!
Today is the day we take part in two different blog hops. 
The first being Flashback Friday.

Flashback Friday is hosted by Five Sibes Mom, and co hosted by me, from
Love is being owned by a husky!

I was going through some photos the other day and came across this one of my husky, Koda.

husky photos

This was around the first month we had adopted him.
The "human man of the house"  had his e-reader out while we were laying in bed, and Koda developed a habit where he decided that this e-reader gadget was soaking up all of the attention, which of course, was suppose to be directed towards him.
So, he took it upon himself to poke his head underneath the reader in hopes to get some love.

Did it work?

husky sleeping
Of course it did.

Our second blog hop on Fridays is of course, 
the Pet Parade.
Hosted by Rascal and Rocco.
Co hosted by Jan's Funny Farm, 
Bionic Basil, 
Barking from the Bayou 
and me, from Love is being owned by a husky. 

What are the sibes parading today?

We won a couple giveaways over the last few weeks, and we are thrilled to share them with you!

paracord collars and leashes

On the left, is a book called Pet Cam.
This book is about a dogs point of view through a pet cam. 
This book is absolutely adorable and has made me want to get a doggie cam for my huskies!
It is fascinating to see the world from their level, and the photos in the book were paw-fect.
A huge siberific thanks to Jan from Wag N Woof Pets for the books!

On the right side of the photo, is a para-cord leash, collar AND key chain!
I have wanted a para-cord collar and leash set for SO long, so I was ecstatic when I won this giveaway!

Lexus modeling her new para-cord

I have a thing with collars and Lexus. (Not that the other two huskies don't get new collars) but for some reason I have a little obsession with Lexus. Maybe it's because she models them so well? 
Who knows.
I chose my 3 fav colors for her set, lime green and hot pink! I think she looks FAB!

Huge thanks goes out to JoAnn from Sand Spring Chesapeakes for the para-cord set! 

*Time to get creative. We would love for any bloggers out there to link up to both hops featured on today's blog. Mash the two together to come up with your own Parading Flashback photos and/or stories. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

 Link up to the Pet Parade here : get the InLinkz code
Link to social media parade here : get the InLinkz code

Flashback Fridays :


  1. Awww Koda is adorable little sweetie,Lexus looks great with her new collar and lead,xx Rachel

    1. Yes he sure is! And thanks so much! I think she looks great as well!

  2. Love those flashbacks and yes the collar and lead look great. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Hi Y'all!

    Love the photo of Koda with his head pushed under your hubby's arm. I like to lay my head on the computer keys when it's time to get active or eat! Of course, when my Human is using the computer!

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. BOL! I get that when i'm on my laptop as well! Silly pups!

  4. My kitty does the same thing. She tries to push my laptop aside! Have a good weekend!

    1. haha!!! I think it's their way of telling us it's time for some attention!

  5. We try to wriggle in when Mom uses her ipad in the living room at night. She puts it away and plays with us. Lucky for her we help her unplug!

    1. That's the best part, because how can we humans resist those puppy eyes??

  6. Haha, excellent. My cat did exactly the same when I was reading. Have a lovely Friday.

    1. BOL! Cats do love to do the same things don't they?

  7. Sweet photo of Koda...all of our dogs do that too - they are obviously more important than anything else we might be doing!

  8. Thanks for the shout out! The collar and leash look great on Lexus! I really liked those two colors together I made one for Glory!

    1. Those are my 2 fav colors ever! So I love it too!!!! It looks great on her!!!!

  9. Killo does the same thing when I'm working. I can't help but give him attention.

    1. I know. How can you resist those puppy eyes!

  10. We won a paracord collar and leash from Sand Spring Chessies too. I love it! I chose purple and gold for LSU. She does fantastic work!

  11. Awe!! Koda is so cute! I love that e-reader picture!! :D

  12. Yes, we pets can be so demanding when we aren't getting the attention.

  13. The girls are not fond of my iPad for the same reason! So funny how they poke their nose underneath! Love the new leash set!

  14. MOL! We see dogs are very much like us cats when they want the human's attention. Great flashback.

    1. Thanks! Huskies are very cat like in so many ways!!!

  15. Those colors pop nicely on Lexus :-) My girl Missy likes to rest her muzzle on my laptop whenever she gets a chance while I'm typing away...

  16. What a cute blogpost, and the photo of Lexus is adorable.

  17. I love the flashback's so sweet!
    The colors you picked for your paracord collar set are great!! Lexus definitely models it very well.
    I'm so glad you're enjoying the book!
    Lots of wags and woofs from the crew at Wag n Woof Pets

    1. I love the book thanks again Jan!!! Yes, those are my two fav colors and they look fab on her!!!

  18. Sweet Koda! They know how to get our attention (it's actually quite easy, isn't it?!) Thanks for co-hosting with us! :-)

  19. The paracord collar and leash looks great on Lexus! And yes, she models it beautifully,


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