Wednesday, 21 January 2015

A husky who thinks he is a Chihuahua?

Happy Wednesday everyone!
Here we are mid week again and it's time for Wordless Wednesday, with another Siberian Husky graphic creation.

I featured my girl Lexus in my creation this week.
I just love bright colors, and they match Lexus's personality wonderfully.

I also wanted to share this photo with you :

It is not often I let people take my photo, but I had to show you all my 50lb lap dog!
My boy Koda just loves to sit up on my lap. I think he thinks he is a Chihuahua, but shhhh, don't tell him he's not, because I love my lap dog snuggle time!

How about you?
Do you have an over sized lap dog?

That's it for me today, see you tomorrow!
This post was brought to you by BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.


  1. BOL funny Koda makes for one sweet and funny lap dog. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. The bright colors in your Lexus graphic make me think of the Aurora Borealis. It's probably also because I'm looking at a husky. :)

    And yes, I also have a 50 pound lap dog. Honey thinks Koda has the right idea.

    1. lol that might have something to do with it!
      right on Honey!!

  3. Beautiful "Lexus graphic".......and I think all dogs believe themselves to be light as a feather no matter how "big" they Mom says when she was growing up they had an English bulldog who weighed 90 lbs. and loved to sit on her Mom's lap (UGH!!).

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. hahahah! They do like to do that don't they?

  4. Mom says most big dogs have no idea of their true size because they try to do things all the time as if they were small!

  5. This is so adorable. I think too that Koda thinks he's a chihuahua. Luckily he doesn't look like one.

    1. Thank dog for that! Nothing against Chi's of course, but I love my huskies!

  6. Yes indeed. I love sitting at mom's lap too though my weight is 74 lbs :)

    1. hahahaha!!! You got Koda by a few pounds!!

  7. Awwww, Husky Love is so great! I would never tell Koda he is too big to be a lap dog. Happy WW

  8. I love bright colors and that has to be one of my favorite graphics of yours. My dogs are all lap dogs.

  9. Luckily Jack (80lbs) doesn't see himself as a lap dog.

  10. Leo was a lap dog - it was hard at 98 lbs. Harley prefers to cuddle "next" to me, vs. on me - Whew! Lexus photo is beautiful by the way! Have a great day!

    1. BOL! That's good then!! And thank you! She sure is!

  11. Big dogs are lap dogs who are oversized. LOL

  12. Love the colorful effect on the rose. PAWsome lap dog :-) Golden Woofs

  13. The big dogs always think they can be lap dogs. Mauja and Atka always try to snuggle up in our laps. I love it <3

    1. I love it too! Wouldn't have it any other way!!!

  14. I ADORE your CUTE GRAPHICS!! :-))

    Keep them coming friends!!!

    Woofs from Earl, Ethel and I at Earl's World!

  15. Barharhar, 50 lbs of love....over here we are all lap dogs (Except Shadow), but no way do we do it together, its one at a time or there is some growling!

    The Mad Scots

  16. Bentley is a great lap dog...great big! BOL! I love his snuggles, but have to remind him I need to breath.

  17. My lapdog Bain is 105lbs, he likes his new bed but he does prefer to get in the middle of me and the boyfriend on the couch, or on you. Lol.

  18. Great photos! I love that your dog is a lapdog :) That's 50 lbs of love and warmth! If you ask me, that's better than a heated blanket on these cold winter days.

  19. Such a pretty girl with a pretty flower!
    Yes, Luke also thinks he's a lap dog....some dogs just never realize how big they got when they grew up (our golden Moses was like that too, and he was even bigger than Luke!).
    Very nice photos, Jenna!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Thanks Jan!!!
      I love that he likes to cuddle the way he does. The other two don't as much as he does, so it;s nice :)

  20. Well, "oversized," no... but the other part ;) .... *wags* - Gilligan from

  21. LOL Jenna I used to have my Shepherd/Husky "Bogart Sam" who weighed 70 lbs when he came to us. In 3 months he weighed 100 lbs & I weighed 120 lbs. I was strong mind you Anyway he too thought he was a Chihuahua & would just jump into my lap!!!
    He was such a character... ;)
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha Henry x0x0

  22. Awww, that is a very adorable picture! Aren't giant lap dogs the best? Our girl Missy weighs 54 lbs & loves to play lap-warmer ;-)

    1. Yes they are the best!!! I love my koda lapdog snuggles!!

  23. Awwww! Good art. I’m not a lap cat and don’t think I’ll ever be one..

  24. Pretty graphic, I like the colorful flower you added. Love that pic of you w/ Koda - BOL! That is too funny. Isis always tries to jump on the couch to snuggle w/ us. I think she knows she's too big but won't admit it!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Cathy, Isis & Phoebe

    1. I think Koda feels the same way. He is in denial! hahah!
      Thanks! Glad you like!

  25. A dog lover's lap knows no size limits. Where there is a desire to show some lap-love,,,,there is always a way to get it done !


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