Saturday, 17 January 2015

An unexplained fact about Siberian Huskies

Welcome to my favorite day of the week!
The day when we focus on the breed Siberian Husky, and all the uniqueness that goes with them! Today we are focusing on the metabolism of a sibe.

husky facts

Siberian Huskies have the ability to change their metabolism.
Yep, you heard right. Millions of humans all over the world, eat your hearts out!
Huskies can actually change things inside of their body.
If only we could control our metabolism.

Let's get the facts :

While it is still unknown in the scientific world exactly how huskies are able to do this, we at least know the basics of why they do it, and for what purpose this happens.

To lay it out for everyone, what happens is, if a Siberian Husky is simply a family house pet with minimal exercise, they really have no need to change up their metabolism. But for huskies who are out there running races and pulling sleds for a living, that is a different story.

siberian husky sled dog team

As sled dogs have to run long distances, they somehow change their metabolism which allows them to run for hours while burning energy, but preserving their fat stores, which prevents them from getting fatigued.

All we know is that somehow the Siberian Husky has the ability to break down their food and convert it to an energy that is not wasted, and well used.

Another unexplained fact about Siberian Huskies!
A mysterious breed yes, a loving family pet, yes! Works for me!

Siberian Husky photo

Siberian Huskies eat far less than other breeds due to their metabolism? Huskies require only about 60% of the recommended feeding range that you will find on dog food bags! 

*Keep in mind it depends on the life and health of your husky as to how much you feed them.

Before you go, I have a fabulous new product to share with you from

husky photo

This is me and Koda modeling our new rockin shirt!

It is a "Peace on Earth" Siberian Husky Dolman style shirt.
Now, this was a holiday shirt, but I didn't receive the shirt in time to post for Christmas, but it can still give you a great idea of the amazing designs they come up with for holidays!
And FYI - holiday or no holiday, I will be wearing this year round!

rockin da huskies clothing

The above photo is clearer for you to see what it looks like.
Always a super cute design. I am in LOVE with this shirt!
Stay tuned for the upcoming Valentines Day designs from Rockin da Huskies that I will be releasing soon right here on the blog! In the meantime, why don't you head over and check out their newest designs!

That's it from the sibe tribe today, see you Monday, and I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about the mysterious Siberian Husky breed.

sepia husky
Host : Ruckus The Eskie
Co host : Earls World


  1. Wouldn't it be great if we could change our metabolism??? YES! Love the new shirt! And the Sepia pic is very cool!

    1. I know right???! It would change so many things!!!!
      And thanks! Glad you like!

  2. That is really interesting. Wonder if wolves are the same? Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Hmmm good question, I am not sure.
      Have a great weekend Molly!

  3. Love the shirts and the drawing on the shirts are so awwww :)

  4. I would love to change metabolism but not to save

  5. We didn't know that. My big Kuvasz sis barely eats more than Bailie and I yet is twice the size as the breed metabolizes food differently too. Another reason to know your dog and what it needs, not just feed what the bag says. Great info!

    1. Your exactly right! A Siberian Husky diet is very different to most other breeds, plus they need more things like zinc in their diet than others. Most people aren't aware of these things, so I am glad to be able to help educate on the breed.

  6. That is so interesting! It's definitely something I didn't know, and anyone who has a husky definitely needs to know that.
    Love the shirt!
    Lots of wags and woofs from the crew at Wag n Woof Pets

    1. Yes they do. Siberian Huskies are just so unique, and if people don;t do their research on the breed, they can run into a ton of problems.
      Thanks! I love the shirt too!!!

  7. Wow! That is really amazing. Scientists need to figure out how Huskies do that. It could eliminate obesity!

    1. I know! Isn't it fascinating that they haven't yet figured it out?!

  8. Oh wow!! That is really interesting! I always wondered how they were able to do that without getting super skinny!

    1. Thanks. I enjoyed doing this post because I know very few people are aware of exactly how a husky is able to run the way they do without tiring. It is super fascinating!

  9. That's really interesting. The mom now wishes she was a husky. ;)

  10. Pretty amazing! Go huskies! *wags* - Gilligan from

  11. Huskies are amazing animals, that's for sure! We've been training hard at endurance napping.
    ; )

    Happy Caturday!
    Katie & Waffles

    1. Endurance napping? That sure sounds like hard work!!!! Sheesh! xo

  12. OMG, I want to change my metabolism! :-D That would be AWESOME!

  13. That's so weird that they can change their metabolism, though it does make sense since they're sled dogs. Now I'm really curious about the whole thing lol, I love these scientific dog facts :)

    1. I know me too. I first saw a video a few years back about this and it said scientists don't understand it, so that's what really got me thinking. I am fascinated by the subject!

  14. That is amazing but it makes a lot of sense. Hope you all have a great weekend.

  15. who knew, what a great thing they can do with their metabolism. Love the snow pic of you and Kota and sepia pic is pretty great too.


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