Monday, 23 June 2014

Oh My Dog!

Hiya everyone!

I hope you all had a pawsome weekend?
We had an . . . interesting weekend.

In case you are new around the husky blog, on Monday's, I do a post called OMD (Oh My Dog!) Mondays. This is where I share a rescue story or any animal related story that makes you say OH MY DOG!

Today's rescue is brought to you by : ME!
Yep! I had quite the experience this weekend.

Meet Kitty no name :

This cute little kitty is Currently residing in my house.

Did I get a new kitty?
Let me explain . . . .

On Friday night, we saw this little guy on our step.
We have two stray kitties who come around every day for food. We provided food, shelter, and water all winter for them, and they have became regulars.
One of our regulars brought this little guy to our house, most likely to show him where the food was.
As soon as I opened the door to inspect, he ran away faster then his little legs could carry him.

I noticed he was just a kitten, and I knew I had to do something.
I left food out for him, tried to coax him out of hiding with a bag of treats, but he was just to scared to come up to me.

Saturday, he showed his face again.
I tried the same tactic, to no avail.

Sunday evening, my neighbor knocked at my door, and told me they heard a screaming meow.
We both went outside to check it out. Two large cats had kitty no name pinned to the ground, and were hurting him. I clapped my hands together, and they all scattered.

Kitty no name went back into hiding.
I was at a loss. I had no clue what to do.
I am not an animal rescuer.
I do my best to provide food and shelter to animals in need, but as far as a rescue mission.
I am clearly clueless!

I went inside and attempted to call my local shelter, and anybody I thought could help.
Nobody could come out at the present time.

I stayed outside for as long as I could. Please keep in mind that I have kids, and I could only do so much.
I opened my windows, with hopes to hear anything going on with the kitten outside.
I heard that same screaming meow once again.
I went outside, the same cats had little kitty no name pinned down once again, and were biting at him, and hurting him again.When they saw me, all 3 took off.
This time, I saw where kitty no name was hiding.
He was right in my Tiger Lilies. I got Mark (the hubs) out of the house,  to come and give me a hand.
He was on one side and I was on the other with a towel. We were able to get the towel over the kitten and scoop him out of the garden.

I brought out my kitty carrier, and put kitty no name inside with a towel, some food, treats and water.
Poor thing was terrified.
Loco (my kitty) was very intrigued at this new creature!

SO, kitty no name is residing in my spare bedroom until I can get someone from the shelter to come pick him up. In case you are wondering why he is in a spare bedroom, keep in mind, he came from outdoors, and I do not know if he has worms or any other parasite that could spread to my own pets. Therefore I have to keep him separated from them.

I will keep you all posted on kitty no name.
Because I am curious, what would you have done, had you been in my position?

Don't forget to head over to my K9 Kelp Summer Fun Contest page to cast your votes for your fav pets!
Who's face will be on their very own set of K9 Kelp coins?
The choice, is YOURS!
Click HERE to vote.

Also stay tuned for a great summer deal upcoming on Pawz 'N' Clawz Jewelry!

 photo jewelrycoll_zps36af5c6d.jpg

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  1. Oh my what a weekend. You did the right thing taking Willow in. Sorry I have named your kitty lol ;-) xxx

    1. Willow? I like it!
      I thought I was doing the right thing as well.
      I could never leave such a small kitty outside to fend for himself like that.
      Thanks for dropping by :)

  2. Poor little thing :( have done this many times and you are right to keep little NN out of the way....usually very smelly food will entice them from hiding..i hope this sweet one can find a good home..we love the interview with Moggies and are very glad we popped in to say hi :) Fozziemum

    1. I know :( Thank you, and i'm glad you think I did the right thing, there is just no way I could have left him outside. He would never have made it.
      Very nice to meet you! I am glad you like our interview!
      My 3 moggies are good pals!

  3. Hope kitty finds a new home soon. Doesn't sound like life on the outside is working too well.

    1. Me too!
      Life on the outside was not treating her well at all!
      Wish me luck!!!

  4. He's cute! I would've done the exact same thing - so glad you rescued him!

    1. He is cute for sure!!! I am glad we were able to get him also, now I just have to find somewhere for him to go!

  5. What a sweet kitty. I hope you'll find a home for him. Or maybe he'll stay with you. Whenever I rescued a cat 'temporarily' he ended up staying permanently. In any case, it's really kind of you to care for the cat.

    1. I know, I am the same way. that's where my one kitty Loco came from. I rescued her this past winter. But unfortunately there is just no way I can keep this kitten. We have 3 cats and 3 dogs and are already one over our town limits of having pets *sigh* so I have to find a rescue for her, or hope my local shelter will take her!

  6. Good job on taking in the fella and I understand perfectly why you need to quarantine him. Hope he finds a wonderful forever home soon.

    1. Thanks Buddy, I hope we can find him a place to go until he finds his furever home as well!

  7. You got Kitty No-Name inside to safety and that's really all that matters. I'm purrin' that he's okay and will have a forever home, really soon.


    1. Thanks Niss!
      That's what I thought too. It was certain death for him if I had of left him out.

  8. I would have done the same thing too,How ever as I only have Speedy I guess this one would have found his new home,keeping our fingers and paws crossed that he gets a new home soon,xx Rachel and Speedy

    1. I know, and I would love to keep him. But with 6 animals, it is just not doable for me.
      Plus, he is so small, I would be worried about the dogs being a bit to "playful" and end up hurting him.
      Thanks for dropping by!

  9. What an adventure...good for you for sticking with it. I hope Kitty No Name...gets one and a family soon...maybe with the Huskies?

    1. Ahh! I know! I would love to keep him! I really really would! But with 6 already, I just can't....I feel bad but I am already over my city limit of animals and he is so small, I am worried he would get hurt. :(

  10. Oh the poor kitty! Thank cod you found him and took him in. We woulda done the same thing.

  11. Jenna, you rock! I would have done exactly what you did, you are wonderful to have rescued him!! I'm sure you have enough going on so hopefully you can find a place for this little cutie to go, and he'll end up in a nice home.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

    1. Thanks Jan!
      There was just no way I could leave him out there. I know he would not have made it.
      I'd love to keep him, but as you said, I have so much going on, I really really can't. I wish I could though. I will make sure he goes to a good place though. Thanks so much Jan!

  12. OMD/OMC (Oh My Cat!) such drama! I'm so happy you were able to save this kitty. Poor thing!. I would have done the same, if I couldn't catch him I'd borrow a Trap/Neuter/Return cage from a shelter. Our shelters won't come out for cats under most circumstances, we need to bring them in. Kittens usually go fast in shelters & rescues so I'm sure he'll find a great home! You did the hard part by getting him off the street, and Kudos to U for knowing to keep him isolated from the pack - many stray kittens have worms.
    Cathy Armato

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words!
      Our shelters are so so so overflown with kitties. I am not sure what i'm going to do.
      Thanks so much for coming by!

  13. It was the only thing to do. Could not leave him outside from what was happening those other cats would have hurt him or worse killed him. I hope that he finds his forever home very quickly. Thank you for saving him.

    1. Thank you so much!!! :)
      They were going to kill him. There is no doubt in my mind!
      I feel great knowing that i saved the little guy!

  14. Way to be a hero Jenna! Luckily, we don't have an stray kitties around our house. We do have "duh" neighbors that let their dogs loose to do their business in everyone's yard. GRRR! There are a few cats, but they have families. I know its wrong, but I kinda like the name "Little Kitty No~Name." If you name keep it! ☺ ☺☺

    1. Hero haha!!! I don't know about that! But thanks! I feel good knowing I got kitty no name off the streets, I wish I could keep him, but I just can't :/ poor little thing

  15. Well done you! I couldn't bring a kitty in here, it wouldn't last 30 seconds! I did send hubby out to investigate a hurt sounding meow as I was heading to work one night but he couldn't find anything. Not sure what we would have done if he'd found it though!

    1. Thank you!
      We have 3 kitties along with our 3 huskies, so they are used to cats. But still with this one being so small, I would be worried he would get injured during play or something. So I won't be keeping him, but I am glad I was able to help him.
      Thanks so much for coming by!

  16. Of course you did the right thing! Well done. Makes you wonder what happened to his/her brothers and sisters. He's a survivor.

    1. I know. I looked and looked and looked, but I didn't see or hear any other kittens. so sad :( he is definitely a survivor!

  17. Oh the poor little kitty. Sounds like you did the right thing xxx

  18. Poor little kitty! I'm glad you helped him / her and I hope he / she gets a good home.

    1. I know :( poor thing.
      I will be doing an update on kitty no name this coming Monday :)


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